Search results for “5+questions”

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Future Possibilities

Walter Bender is the executive director of the MIT Media Lab, where he directs the Electronic Publishing Group and is a member of the laboratory’s News in the Future consortium.…

The Newspaper Business: Now and in the Years Ahead

No topic received as much attention as the newspaper business. Observations were interspersed throughout the various sessions. Some of those comments are now brought together in a series of edited…

Internet Interactions

Participants had views and experiences to share about the intersection of mainstream media and the Internet. Edited excerpts of some of those comments follow.RELATED ARTICLE“Web Sites Increasingly Scoop Their Parent…

News Innovation and Leadership

Photo from the Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division.Photo from the Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division.Photo from the National Archives and Records Administration.Rosabeth Moss Kanter, the Ernest…

Summer 2002: Introduction

In October 2001, journalists, publishers, professors and media and stock analysts met for two days at Harvard University to discuss varying approaches to paying for the reporting and distribution of…

Summer 2002: Watchdog Conference Introduction

At the Nieman Foundation’s fourth Watchdog Project Conference, held in the fall of 2001 at Harvard University, the topic was “How to Ask Probing Questions.” The Watchdog Project was established…

Corporations Work Hard to Prevent Reporting

When intimidation doesn’t work, other methods are used.

Experiences With Internet Journalism

Several journalists who have been involved with Internet journalism sites shared their experiences with the participants, some of whom also had ideas and questions about how publications and cyberspace might…

Not Every Journalist ‘Missed’ the Enron Story

Reporters at The Wall Street Journal detailed the corrupt practices that led to Enron’s demise.

Summer 2002: Journalism in Asia Introduction

In Southeast Asia, journalists’ experiences vary considerably. In some, repressive regimes clamp down hard on press freedoms through the passage of restrictive laws, the practice of intimidation, and the control…