Search results for “5+questions”

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When the Internet Reveals a Story

‘The challenge for me was to get the story off the Internet and into print.’

The Disconnect of News Reporting From Scientific Evidence

Balanced coverage results in a ‘misleading scenario that there is a raging debate among climate-change scientists regarding humanity’s role in climate change.’

Knowing Uncertainty for What It Is

In reporting on the science of global warming, journalists contend with powerful, well-funded forces using strategies created by tobacco companies.

Probing Beneath the Surface of the Intelligent Design Controversy

‘… to truly understand I.D., people need to look at things in ways that are different from our accustomed patterns.’

Where Citizens and Journalists Intersect

‘The crucial leap will be helping our audience become involved in the process much more directly.’

Citizen Journalism and the BBC

‘… when major events occur, the public can offer us as much new information as we are able to broadcast to them. From now on, news coverage is a partnership.’

Seeing Is Believing

‘There was so much destruction that I couldn’t put down my camera.’

Context and Controversy: Global Warming Coverage

‘… it is heartening to know that the simple inclusion of scientific context might help mitigate the readers’ level of uncertainty.’

Political Journalism: It’s Not the Good Old Days

‘But some of what ails American political journalism in our time is an overreaction to the failures of the boys back in Witcover’s heyday.’

Photojournalism Students Cover Hurricane Katrina in Their First Leap Into a Real-World Crisis

‘Mark told me he’d learned more in the two days he photographed the hurricane’s aftermath than in his previous two years in college.’