Search results for “5+questions”

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Tugging Meaning Out of Trauma

‘The journalists, by telling the survivors’ stories, are a witness to the witness and they bring that story to the larger society.’

When Murder Strikes a Small Community

‘What is a news organization’s responsibility to its reporters who are eyewitness to murder? Can an editorial staff experience depression or long-term PTSD as a result of such exposure?’

When a Crime Is Just the Beginning of the Story

By establishing relationships of trust with those touched by crime, reportiers discover and imtimacy of throught and emotion that can assist healing—for individuals and for communities.

In an Instant, a Bomb Claims Lives and Devastates a Survivor

‘Every part of him was taped and bandaged because of burns and infections, except for his cheeks … his mouth … and his eyes …’
Telling Untold Stories of What Happened in Iraq

Telling Untold Stories of What Happened in Iraq

An Essay in Words and Photographs

Reporting the Iraq War: Whose Truth Is Being Told?

‘… I used to tell the American correspondent, “You know what, you’re writing my story. I’m writing my story. When we cover a car bomb, it’s my neighborhood.” For an…

Narratives—With Trauma at Their Core

‘There’s a kind of emotional insight that a skilled writer with a great command of language and of the human condition brings to a story.’

Visual Storytelling About the Human Condition

‘The tools are so powerful now that, as journalists, we can … be focused on doing the kind of journalism we want to do and then partnering with other organizations…

Approaching Emotional Pain—As a Journalist

‘Routinely we witness the awful things that people do to each other and the most enduring awfulness of all, the aftermath.’

Tears Are Part of Telling the Story

‘That day in the bedroom Gary asked the questions; he fought the urge to cry. He did his job.’