Search results for “5+questions”

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Precision Journalism and Narrative Journalism: Toward a Unified Field Theory

This is the adapted text of the Hedy Lamarr Lecture Meyer delivered at the Austrian Academy of Sciences on October 3. The lecture was also sponsored by Medienhaus Wien, a…

Rising to the Challenge

Journalism is an escape artist.For the generation raised on Watergate, that lesson landed hard. The most powerful men in the world could not shut a story down. They lied and…

Finding a Way Forward

Harvard Business School professor Clayton M. Christensen’s theory of disruptive innovation provides a framework to understand how businesses grow, become successful, and falter as nimble start-ups muscle in on their…

Fall 2012: Class Notes

1946Robert Manning, an influential editor of The Atlantic Monthly, died of lymphoma at a hospital in Boston on September 28th. He was 92.Read his obituary from The Boston Globe.Manning was…

The Big Chill

The Obama administration is operating amid unprecedented secrecy—while attacking journalists trying to tell the public what they need to know.

An Ode to Readers’ Quirks

Being one click away from anyone who wants to weigh in on your looks or any number of subjects has its ups and downs.

Inside the Rings

‘The first rule of Olympic journalism is that no one should ever feel sorry for anyone assigned to cover the games.’

Truth and Consequences

Reflecting on presidential campaign coverage before and after ‘The Boys on the Bus’

Lessons From Fukushima

‘More than a year after the accident, we still do not have any serious investigative reporting on [Japanese nuclear power plant owner] Tepco…’

Truth and Consequences

Reflecting on presidential campaign coverage before and after ‘The Boys on the Bus’