Two workers at a brick-making factory between Kabul and Bagram push the camouflage curtain from an army tank into a ditch to make the fire burn more quickly. Words and photos by Fardin Waezi/Courtesy of Aïna Photo/Afghanistan.

A young beggar girl counts the day's earnings on the street in front of the Ministry of Information and Culture in Kabul, while her younger sister uses her sandals as a pillow.

Rescue workers and soldiers search for the remains of victims in an Afghan plane crash on Shapiri Ghar Mountain, 20 miles east of Kabul. The Kam Air Boeing 737 crashed on February 3, 2005 killing all 104 people on board.

A World Wrestling Entertainment show is performed for soldiers in Kabul.

An International Security Assistance Force soldier sits in the back of a helicopter with a gun ready. He is patrolling along the Bamian River searching for insurgent activity. October 2006.