Photojournalism Dead? It's Just Changing With the Times
In the next 50 pages Nieman Reports take stock of photojournalism today. While problems are noted, the report is positive. The articles and the photo essays by 10 Nieman Fellows demonstrate the special value of pictures to news. As noted photographer Edward Steichen summed it up at the dinner celebrating his 90th birthday in 1969: “The mission of photography is to explain man to man and each man to himself. And that is no mean function.”
These photos are of men who attended the Million Man March on Washington in 1995. The event was defined by the media in terms of numbers, but to me it was as much about individuals and singular acts of rededication to self and family. And, despite what others said, it was more about the message than the messenger.
Ancestral Eyes
Sister, Sister
Dawn of a New Era
The Pride
The Elder
Lester Sloan, a 1976 Nieman Fellow, is a freelance photjournalist living in Los Angeles.
Ancestral Eyes
Sister, Sister
Dawn of a New Era
The Pride
The Elder
Lester Sloan, a 1976 Nieman Fellow, is a freelance photjournalist living in Los Angeles.