Winter 2021

What's Next...

As they prepare to cover the post-Trump era, political reporters in particular will face critical challenges, and the lingering issues of media mistrust, conspiracy theories, and journalism’s economic sustainability will continue to plague the media no matter who is in the White House.


In Lebanon, a Bold New Era for Accountability Journalism

In Lebanon, a Bold New Era for Accountability Journalism

The devastating blast in Beirut has spurred investigations and outrage among journalists
In Morocco, Press Freedom Advocates Say Sex Charges are Used to Silence Journalists

In Morocco, Press Freedom Advocates Say Sex Charges are Used to Silence Journalists

Despite a state-backed crackdown, some journalists are managing to do independent reporting
Journalism’s Reckoning with “Manipulation at a Mass Scale”

Journalism’s Reckoning with “Manipulation at a Mass Scale”

I traveled once to Tripoli to interview Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi. Colleagues and I met him in a Bedouin tent under a full moon on the grounds of Bab al-Azizya,…

Beyond Superheroes Vs. Villains

As a kid I loved Superman. The undisputed good guy, he saved the world. Superhero and comic book movies often showcase easy-to-understand stakes, protagonists, and antagonists, making villains and heroes…
A Picture of Hope in a Woman-Led Nation

A Picture of Hope in a Woman-Led Nation

Photojournalist Andrea Bruce, a 2016 Nieman Fellow: “This story for National Geographic magazine was about women gaining political power across the world. Here, in New Zealand, young Maori women stood alongside…
How Journalists Beyond the U.S. Fight Back Against Government Intimidation

How Journalists Beyond the U.S. Fight Back Against Government Intimidation

A look at four countries — Belarus, Jordan, Thailand, and Nicaragua — where the mantle of “fake news” is used to intimidate and threaten, and how journalists are responding
“Change Cannot be Reduced to Storytelling, but Storytelling is Very Often at the Beginning of Change”

“Change Cannot be Reduced to Storytelling, but Storytelling is Very Often at the Beginning of Change”

At Germany’s The New Institute, Georg Diez, NF ‘17, hopes storytelling is the catalyst for societal change.What is the power, urgency, some would say duty of journalism in the face…
Amidst Political Turmoil in Belarus, a Revival of Trust in Independent Journalism

Amidst Political Turmoil in Belarus, a Revival of Trust in Independent Journalism

After a contested election, President Aleksandr Lukashenko cracked down on dissent; professional and citizen journalists responded with innovative coverage
Adding Diverse Perspectives to Newsroom Discussions

Adding Diverse Perspectives to Newsroom Discussions

With their Diversifying Journalism project, 2020 Nieman Fellows Ana Campoy, Jasmine Brown, and Selymar Colón are building databases of journalists and experts of color.At the time I was looking for…
For Political Reporters, The Post-Trump Era Poses Practical—and Existential—Questions

For Political Reporters, The Post-Trump Era Poses Practical—and Existential—Questions

“It’s hard to believe that it’s going to quickly go back to the way it was before”
Creating a Podcast About a Challenge That Will Outlast the Pandemic: Climate Change

Creating a Podcast About a Challenge That Will Outlast the Pandemic: Climate Change

With the new CBC podcast “What On Earth,” Laura Lynch, NF ’00, is bringing climate change coverage — and potential solutions — to Canadians.The phone call came in May. The…
Challenges and Possible Solutions to Winning Back Trust in Journalism Post-Trump

Challenges and Possible Solutions to Winning Back Trust in Journalism Post-Trump

Problems of media mistrust, conspiracy theories, and journalism’s economic sustainability are not going away anytime soon
The 19th*'s Editor-At-Large on Newsroom Diversity, Breonna Taylor's Killing, and More

The 19th*’s Editor-At-Large on Newsroom Diversity, Breonna Taylor’s Killing, and More

“Women are the majority of the electorate. We shouldn’t be talked about like a special‑interest group anymore”
Covering Abortion as a Personal Health Care Issue, and Not Just a Political One

Covering Abortion as a Personal Health Care Issue, and Not Just a Political One

Readers deserve honest, thorough coverage of abortion and the role it plays in women’s lives


Ann Marie Lipinski
James Geary
Senior Editor
Jan Gardner
Editorial Specialist
Eryn M. Carlson
Staff Assistant
Shelby Grebbin
Print Design
Dan Zedek