Summer 2023

Riding the A.I. Wave
From image generators like DALL-E to the chatbot ChatGPT, artificial intelligence has experienced a boom recently — and journalists are beginning to grapple with what its new popularity will mean for the profession.
While some have shared concerns that AI would replace human writers and riddle the internet with plagiarism and misinformation, Nieman Reports’ Summer 2023 issue spotlights the ways newsrooms are using AI to bolster their work. Because they can translate stories into multiple languages and send personalized newsletters to subscribers in a fraction of the time it would take a human, AI has allowed publications to expand their reach, better engage their audiences, and free up journalists’ time to focus more on their reporting.
Ann Marie Lipinski
James Geary
Senior Editor
Laura Colarusso
Assistant Editor
Natalie De Rosa
Dan Zedek
Banner Illustration
Brian Stauffer