Photojournalism Dead? It's Just Changing With the Times
In the next 50 pages Nieman Reports take stock of photojournalism today. While problems are noted, the report is positive. The articles and the photo essays by 10 Nieman Fellows demonstrate the special value of pictures to news. As noted photographer Edward Steichen summed it up at the dinner celebrating his 90th birthday in 1969: “The mission of photography is to explain man to man and each man to himself. And that is no mean function.”
Rapid City, South Dakota
To the Editor:
I read with interest your “Watchdog” articles in Nieman Reports. I was a little disappointed Indians were excluded. Dealing day in and day out with sovereign nations requires us (the Indian press) to really become watchdogs, because too often tribal members only find out what is happening through the Indian press.
Tim Giago
Editor and Publisher
Indian Country Today
Nieman Fellow 1991
To the Editor:
I read with interest your “Watchdog” articles in Nieman Reports. I was a little disappointed Indians were excluded. Dealing day in and day out with sovereign nations requires us (the Indian press) to really become watchdogs, because too often tribal members only find out what is happening through the Indian press.
Tim Giago
Editor and Publisher
Indian Country Today
Nieman Fellow 1991