
The Only or the Lonely

Latino journalists speak up about coverage, but doing so takes its toll.

Summer 2001: Words & Reflections Introduction

David Nyhan, a columnist with The Boston Globe, describes why—at a time of deepening public mistrust of journalism—there needed to be a way of recognizing and rewarding fairness. “Rare is…

Spring 2001: Race and Content of News Introduction

In a series of interviews with staff members of network news, former broadcast executive Av Westin uncovered ways in which racial bias impacts decision-making about the content of news. He…

Wanted: Diversity of Voice and Experience

The Savannah Morning News creates the Neighborhood Newsroom.

Let Us Now Praise Good Reporting on Race

A journalism program spotlights and studies the exemplary ingredients of coverage.

The Press Missed a Critical Post-Election Day Story in Florida

Charges of voting problems in black communities went largely uninvestigated.

Changing a Newsroom’s Complexion

In Savannah, a newspaper trains community members to be journalists.

Opening Windows Gives Readers Unexpected Images

An African-American writer reflects glimpses inside his world.

Race Plays a Decisive Role in News Content

“‘Network Refugees.’ Isn’t that a bit confrontational and risky?” “Not really. It isn’t meant to be. It’s meant to be a declaration of truth; where we come from, why we…

You’ve Got to ‘Be Carefully Taught’

Decision-making in TV newsrooms too often involves racial criteria.