
When the Beat Does Not Go On

A longtime journalist reflects on reinventing her life outside of a newsroom.

‘The Seduction of Secrecy: Toward Better Access to Government Information on the Record’

In a symposium held at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C. on March 17th, Washington, D.C.-based journalists and media observers came together to discuss the use by journalists of…

Protecting Reporters Who Protect Sources

Strategic disagreement among journalists has stymied attempts to pass a federal shield law.

Anonymous Sources: Their Use in a Time of Prosecutorial Interest

How are decisions made about publishing information from confidential sources?

All Is Silent at City Hall

After a local publication challenges the Youngstown, Ohio mayor, city employees are prohibited from speaking with reporters, and the case goes to court.

Respecting Cultural Traditions in a Newsroom

At the Lakota Times, editors help reporters blend their language and ceremonies into their work.

It’s Tough to Find New Footholds in Journalism

‘My experience speaks to the barriers that prevent the free trade of journalistic talent.’

Can Government Prohibit a Journalist’s Access to Public Officials?

Maryland Governor Robert Ehrlich, Jr. and The Sun are arguing this in federal court.

Debating How and Why Journalists Do What They Do

‘After listening to the real-life stories of real-life Polish journalists, I wasn’t so dogmatic or judgmental.’

Looking at American Journalism From the Outside In

‘As journalists struggle to report on and understand their times, they cannot escape being part of their times.’