
When It Comes to Free Speech, Walmart has Something to Teach Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube

When It Comes to Free Speech, Walmart has Something to Teach Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube

I can’t imagine standing in the middle of a Walmart and having a fellow customer repeatedly calling me racial epithets as the manager silently watches from a corner of the…
Covering the Complexities of Abortion

Covering the Complexities of Abortion

A confession: Until recently, I didn’t really understand what happens during a woman’s menstrual cycle. (And I still kind of have a few questions.) I confess because I’m a male…
Journalistic Collaboration is a Key to Survival

Journalistic Collaboration is a Key to Survival

A project at Montclair State University’s School of Communication and Media shows how collaboration can beat competition in covering complex issues
Journalism after the Mueller Report and the Barr Summary

Journalism after the Mueller Report and the Barr Summary

It’s clear what journalists must do in the wake of Attorney General William Barr’s summary of the Mueller report: continue to aggressively pursue the Trump-Russia story, and not give one…
BuzzFeed, Michael Cohen, and Media Credibility

BuzzFeed, Michael Cohen, and Media Credibility

A bombshell from BuzzFeed in January initially seemed to ensure that President Donald Trump would join Bill Clinton and Richard Nixon as presidents who were either impeached or forced from…
The Israeli News Industry After Netanyahu

The Israeli News Industry After Netanyahu

The expected charges against Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu—bribery, fraud, and breach of trust—are also charges against large parts of the Israeli news industry. For an Israeli journalist like me,…
Why Tech Platforms Need to Be Built on Journalistic Values

Why Tech Platforms Need to Be Built on Journalistic Values

In Silicon Valley startup culture, tech debt results from shortcuts taken over time that lead to broken loops, lack of larger solutions, and daily pain by those entrusted with working…
How Journalistic Standards Are Used Against Journalists

How Journalistic Standards Are Used Against Journalists

The Washington Post’s decision to publish unverified sexual assault allegations is the most disturbing example of the flattening of the media landscape since the political press decided to spend more…
Why We Banned the Word "Ethnic"

Why We Banned the Word “Ethnic”

The Global Press Journal has its own style guide, providing a roadmap for how to use precise, dignified language to fulfill journalism’s ultimate goal: truth-telling
It’s Time for Journalists to Use the "R" Word: Racism

It’s Time for Journalists to Use the “R” Word: Racism

Journalists, even those whose job it is to set standards, continue to have a hard time determining if the word “racism” applies in a story. Here’s a simple rule of…