
During the Coronavirus Crisis, Coverage of State Capitals Is More Essential than Ever

During the Coronavirus Crisis, Coverage of State Capitals Is More Essential than Ever

Armed with expansive emergency powers, many of the nation’s governors are placing unprecedented restrictions on our lives to slow the spread of the coronavirus. They have closed schools, shut down…
Government Funding Should Support Innovation, Not Prop Up Dying Business Models

Government Funding Should Support Innovation, Not Prop Up Dying Business Models

Denmark is known as a prototypical welfare state, and the country reacted as such from the moment the corona crisis emerged in Europe—with top-down and far-reaching measures from the central…
What Role Should Newsrooms Play in Debunking COVID-19 Misinformation?

What Role Should Newsrooms Play in Debunking COVID-19 Misinformation?

Over the past few days in the U.K., at least three cellphone masts have been set on fire, and telecoms engineers trying to keep the network stable have faced attacks…
In Nicaragua, Journalists Cover the Coronavirus Despite Government Control over Public Information

In Nicaragua, Journalists Cover the Coronavirus Despite Government Control over Public Information

Translated by Dick Cluster. Leer en español.On March 12, the weekly Confidencial (“Confidential”) revealed the contents of a Protocol for Coronavirus Response produced by Nicaragua’s Ministry of Health that described…
En Nicaragua, periodistas cubren el coronavirus a pesar del control gubernamental sobre la información pública

En Nicaragua, periodistas cubren el coronavirus a pesar del control gubernamental sobre la información pública

Read in English. El 12 de marzo Confidencial reveló un Protocolo de respuesta al coronavirus elaborado por el Ministerio de Salud (Minsa) de Nicaragua, en el que se describen algunas de las medidas…
The Threat—and Opportunity—COVID-19 Brings to Hungary’s Embattled Journalists

The Threat—and Opportunity—COVID-19 Brings to Hungary’s Embattled Journalists

Journalists have had a rough decade in Hungary under prime minister Viktor Orbán’s increasingly authoritarian rule. Now, the coronavirus crisis may make it even harder for independent news outlets to…
En Venezuela, periodistas se enfrentan al autoritarismo, la censura y la COVID-19

En Venezuela, periodistas se enfrentan al autoritarismo, la censura y la COVID-19

Read in English. El reto de cubrir la pandemia del coronavirus y la Covid-19 llega a una Venezuela  frágil  por  la emergencia humanitaria compleja que vive el país desde hace tres…
In Venezuela, Journalists Contend with Authoritarianism, Censorship, and Covid-19

In Venezuela, Journalists Contend with Authoritarianism, Censorship, and Covid-19

Translated by Diego Marcano. Leer en español.The challenge of covering the new coronavirus and Covid-19 pandemic arrives in Venezuela at a time when the country is already in a fragile…
In Brazil, Dismissing Coronavirus Misinformation with In-depth Investigations

In Brazil, Dismissing Coronavirus Misinformation with In-depth Investigations

Just before the coronavirus crisis hit Brazil, our team at Agência Pública, the nation’s first nonprofit investigative journalism center, had been very excited to go back to our office. After…
En México, reportar el coronavirus es enfrentarse a una respuesta oficial conocida: culpar a la prensa

En México, reportar el coronavirus es enfrentarse a una respuesta oficial conocida: culpar a la prensa

Read in English. Más de un periodista en México se quedó perplejo. Después de que autoridades informaron las medidas para evitar contagios del Covid-19, como guardar distancia física con otras personas,…