Journalist’s Trade

The Change Journey: The Pacesetters

Rosabeth Moss Kanter described the pacesetters as being “ahead of change.” By responding early to technological changes, these companies captured “more benefits of change” and often spent less in getting…

The Change Journey: The Laggards

Rosabeth Moss Kanter described the laggards as being “behind the competition” and having “more internal struggles about change.” And when they did bring in new technology “it cost them more,…

Technology Builds Context

Walter Bender shared an example of how technology can enhance a person’s understanding of the content of news stories by providing context.Sara Elo, who was a student from Finland, got…

Web Sites Increasingly Scoop Their Parent News Outlets for Content

The eighth annual Middleberg/Ross Media Survey shows an especially marked increase this year in Web site scooping of parent news outlets, although methodological issues in the survey may have partly…

Experiences With Internet Journalism

Several journalists who have been involved with Internet journalism sites shared their experiences with the participants, some of whom also had ideas and questions about how publications and cyberspace might…

News in the Land of the Giants

After many years as a TV news reporter and producer, Tom Wolzien has for the past 10 years provided financial research on large publicly traded media companies to institutional investors…

In Defense of Journalism as a Public Trust

In March, journalists from 24 countries and the European Union at the Salzburg Seminar in Austria discussed the impact market pressures are having on the quality of journalism. At the…

Societal Influence Model for the Newspaper Industry

Creating a Different Message About QualityPhilip Meyer, a journalism professor at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and former reporter and market researcher for Knight Ridder, is working…

Should Newspapers Offer Internet Access?

Why would the family owners of a small rural newspaper group in Tennessee have chosen to enter the Internet access business in the mid-1990’s? There were several reasons, but uppermost…

‘Don’t try to squeeze the dress of narrative over the wrong form.’

David Fanning talks about finding the story in TV documentary.Learn the rules and the conventions of your craft so you can break them. That’s how you wing walk. That’s how…