Journalist’s Trade

Benefits Blogging Brings to News Outlets

What benefits do Weblogs bring to journalism? Several.

Blogs and Journalism Need Each Other

‘The transparency of blogging has contributed to news organizations becoming a bit more accessible and interactive ….’

Weblogs Threaten and Inform Traditional Journalism

Blogs ‘challenge conventional notions of who is a journalist and what journalism is.’

Blogging From Iraq

With a borrowed laptop, rented satellite phone and reader-generated budget, an independent reporter sends back stories from the war.

A Guide to Various Weblogs

RELATED WEB LINKSDan Gillmor– dangillmor.comDave Barry– blogs.herald.comToday in the Sky– Abuse Tracker– Weblogging PioneerThe pioneer among blogging columnists is Dan Gillmor of the San Jose Mercury News. He…

A Reporter Is Fired for Writing a Weblog

He wonders whether there is ‘a place for Weblogs in the Fourth Estate firmament.’

Weblogs: A Road Back to Basics

‘Weblogs will not save journalism as we know it. However, they might end up improving journalism as we know it.’

The Infectious Desire to Be Linked in the Blogosphere

‘Weblogs offer journalists tangible ways to achieve that Number One feeling.’

Weblogs and Journalism: Do They Connect?

‘… the vast majority of Weblogs do not provide original reporting— for me, the heart of all journalism.’

Fall 2003: Journalist’s Trade Introduction

At a time when access to the high-speed Internet is getting easier and do-it-yourself publishing software abounds, Weblogs are cyberspace’s quick-moving, multilinked, interactive venues of choice for millions of people…