Journalist’s Trade

What Are Newspaper Journalists Investigating?

RELATED WEB LINK“Extra! Extra!”— follows are a few examples from the wide range of investigations being done by mainstream media outlets throughout the United States. The examples—grouped by general…

Changing Equations in Investigative Reporting

An editor proposes that journalists seek new partners in their mission of monitoring those in power.

Using Expertise From Outside the Newsroom

After ‘crowdsourcing’ worked to expand reporting, The News-Press reached out to nearby residents to form Team Watchdog.

Understanding the Risk

To communicate with people about risk, journalists need to better understand how and why people respond in the ways they do to messages they receive about danger. An expert in…

The Many Dimensions of the Avian Flu Story

Reporters from the United States, China and Germany discuss how a story about a health issue such as avian flu can be covered competitively, with its web of connections that…
Understanding the Threat

Understanding the Threat

Two infectious disease specialists describe and discuss what the scientific community knows about the avian flu virus H5N1 and how pandemic influenza might emerge.

Reporting From the Frontlines of the Flu

Reporters and editors discuss how they've covered disaster situations, including those in which people were infected by the H5N1 virus. And they talk about preparations they are making at their…

Preparing for the Crisis

Whether it involves education, law enforcement or public health, preparation for pandemic flu should be underway in every community. Speakers addressed tasks and topics that should be examined by reporters,…

Reacting to the Crisis

Much has been learned about how people react and respond to disasters. From these experiences emerge lessons that can guide journalists in understanding better what they can expect to happen…

Preparing for Pandemic Flu

A man wears a rooster head to publicize bird flu prevention on the streets of Xi’an in China’s Shaanxi Province. March 2006. Photo courtesy of The Associated Press/EyePress. Stephen Prior,…