Journalist’s Trade

Inviting the Rise of the Entrepreneurial Journalist

True/Slant is modeling the newsroom of the future by empowering contributors to build their own digital brands—and by changing the role of the editor.

What’s Old Can Be New Again—Assisted By Digital Media

‘It’s not a digital update of the newspaper, but it is a digital update of the community connection role I first learned about as a youth in Shenandoah.’
A Photographer’s Journey:  From Newspapers to Social Media

A Photographer’s Journey: From Newspapers to Social Media

An Essay in Words and Photographs

MediaBugs: Correcting Errors and Conversing

The Knight News Challenge describes Rosenberg’s MediaBugs project:All journalists make mistakes, but they sometimes view admitting errors as a mark of shame. MediaBugs aims to change this climate, by promoting…

Distracted: The New News World and the Fate of Attention

‘As a term, “multitasking” doesn’t quite do justice to all the ways in which we fragment our attention.’

Blogging From Inside a TV Station’s Newsroom

‘Comments on the blog began generating tips that turned into leads for on-air reporting, and the blog became a tool for promoting and teasing stories we planned to air or…

Creating a New Platform to Support Reporting

‘My sole and motivating mission is to figure out how reporting can thrive as we witness the death of the institutional model that traditionally supported it.’

Suggest a Topic—And Content Flows to It

‘… content becomes a roaring campfire that gathers around it a thoughtful and engaged group of people.’

No Time Left for Reluctant Transformers

‘Digitally based consumption by a fragmented audience requires new and sophisticated distribution mechanics … smartly connect[ing] consumers to available, relevant content in virtually unlimited ways.’

Using E-Readers to Explore Some New Media Myths

An experiment with digital media sets out to see what similarities might be found in how young and old adapt to new technologies.