International Journalism

As Legacy News Outlets Retreat, Who Will Be There to Report on the World?

As Legacy News Outlets Retreat, Who Will Be There to Report on the World?

The escalating personal and financial cost of foreign reporting is changing the way correspondents cover the world
After Tiananmen Square, a ‘Dark Age’ for Press Freedom in China

After Tiananmen Square, a ‘Dark Age’ for Press Freedom in China

Chinese journalist Liu Binyan on the difficulties of reporting critically on the Communist Party after the government cracked down on pro-democracy demonstrators
Chasing Paper with YanukovychLeaks

Chasing Paper with YanukovychLeaks

Command and Control

Command and Control

The state of journalism in China, 25 years after Tiananmen

Evan Osnos: The Challenges of Covering China

Evan Osnos, who covered China for eight years with the Chicago Tribune and The New Yorker, spoke about the difficulty of covering modern China in the 2013 Joe Alex Morris…
Technology, Transparency and Traditional Media

Technology, Transparency and Traditional Media

How Weibo and WeChat are breaking the information monopoly
Eluding the "Ministry of Truth"

Eluding the “Ministry of Truth”

RELATED ARTICLESCommand and ControlBy Paul MooneyMoral HazardBy Yang XiaoInternet censorship in China is not simply matter of blocking foreign websites and deleting anything deemed harmful, nor is the state the…

“Stigma Rent-seeking” on China’s Internet

In October 2013, journalist Chen Yongzhou of the New Express Daily was detained and arrested after he reported alleged corruption at Zoomlion, a state-owned company. His paper’s front-page pleas for…
The Secret Life of Keywords

The Secret Life of Keywords

Online and database searches as a reporting tool
Up Close and Personal

Up Close and Personal

Watch video of Osnos’s Morris Lecture, from which this essay was adapted In 1948, the Harvard Sinologist John King Fairbank wrote, “China is a journalist’s dream and a statistician’s nightmare.”…