
Press Access to Satellite Images is a Casualty in This War

The Department of Defense owns and controls these pictures.

The Unreported Threat in Coverage of Anthrax

Journalists fail to focus on the longer-term dangers of antibiotic resistance.

Stories the Media Decide Not to Tell

An Arab American assesses coverage from his dual perspective.

President Harry Truman Enlisted Journalists in the Cold War

Are there parallels between then and now?

Asking Probing Questions in a Time of National Crisis

Are journalists asking ‘the right question?’

Revealing Beauty in the Harshness of War

A woman in a burka walks near a mosque in Mazar-i-Sharif. 1990. Photo by Reza/Webistan.©On his journeys to Afghanistan, Iranian photographer Reza used his camera to document the life and…

Winter 2001: Introduction

Through the night of September 11, 2001, photographer Peter Turnley took refuge in a second-floor office in a clothing store, its windows blown out by the force of the attack…

Highlighting Antibiotic Resistance

RELATED ARTICLE“The Unreported Threat in Coverage of Anthrax”– Philip CaperThough coverage of the potential health hazards of antibiotic abuse and overuse did not receive nearly the prominence of illnesses and…

Independent Media Try to be Balanced and Fair in Their Coverage

Yet all parties play their ‘well-known game of intimidating the media.’

Reporting to a Western Audience About the Islamic World

American journalists often lack training, knowledge and sensitivity needed to tell these stories.