
Navigating the Road to Convergence

‘Being small and a family-owned company are attributes that have helped us to become a multimedia news organization.’

Newspapers and Their Quest for the Holy Grail

Putting the Web first might be ‘the most difficult transformation in our mindset, but we should go ahead and flip our world on its head.’

Journalism and Web 2.0

‘Tomorrow’s potential readers are using the Web in ways we can hardly imagine, and if we want to remain significant for them, we need to understand how.’

We Can Adjust to Changing Demands, But Should We?

‘People can adapt to anything if the order comes from the person who signs the paychecks.’

Toward a New Journalism With Verification

‘This journalism must recognize that the distribution, the organization, and the sources of our work must change.’

Risk-Adverse Newspapers Won’t Cross the Digital Divide

‘Newspapers lacked the external vision necessary to see the vast range of opportunities created by the Internet.’

Caught in the Web

As journalists, we think about what the Web means for work we do in reporting and disseminating news and information. Given its transformative capacity, we can regard the Web as…

A Dinosaur Adapts

‘Unencumbered by the need to squeeze words into a finite space, the Internet proved better for me, as the writer, and I'd argue for readers, too, than newsprint.’

Meshing Purpose With Product

Heeding the warning against forcing ‘existing quality standards into new technology,’ a journalist is cautiously optimistic about the digital future.

Vanishing Jobs at Newspapers

RELATED ARTICLE“Are Journalists the 21st Century’s Buggy Whip Makers?”– William DietrichEmployment news at newspapers is bad, but just how bad depends on who’s counting. Between 1992 and 2002, the number…