Diversity in Journalism

Diversity, Equality, Inclusion, and “The Pipeline Problem”

Diversity, Equality, Inclusion, and “The Pipeline Problem”

Dear Journalism: Beyond public statements, commit to building the relationships needed to broaden your work and workplace’s look, feel, and sound
Images that Offer Fresh Takes on Minority Communities

Images that Offer Fresh Takes on Minority Communities

A selection of work by photographers seeking to move beyond stereotypical depictions of communities of color
Why We Need More Visual Journalists and Editors of Color

Why We Need More Visual Journalists and Editors of Color

A growing number of individuals and organizations are working to address the lack of diversity among photojournalists and editors
Public Radio and the Sound of America

Public Radio and the Sound of America

Broadcasters are trying to shake off "public radio voice" and bring more variety to the airwaves
Why Journalists Must Stop Segregating Stories About Race

Why Journalists Must Stop Segregating Stories About Race

Race, culture, and poverty deserve to be covered in the same way as the weather, sports, and the stock market

Diversity Can Bring Communities Together

The editor of a daily newspaper partnered with community organizations to bring readers together

Having a Diverse Newsroom Makes Coverage Mainstream

BuzzFeed's editor of Latino coverage on the advantages of having a variety of backgrounds in the newsroom

Mainstream Media Needs More Native American Journalists

The president of the Native American Journalist Association says newsrooms need to invest in developing talent

Journalists Must Train Their Brains to See Beyond Stereotypes

A Chicago Tribune columnist considers journalists’ complicity in skewed perceptions of communities of color
Is Solutions Journalism the Solution?

Is Solutions Journalism the Solution?

New media ventures are focusing on what’s going right in the world rather than what’s going wrong