Author Uri Blau @uri_blau Uri Blau is a Washington-based investigative reporter for Haaretz and a member of the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists. President Trump, Michael Pack, and The Future of Voice of America Voice of America (VOA) broadcasts in 47 languages to over 280 million people around the world, including in countries such as Iran, North Korea, and Myanmar. VOA, founded in 1942,… October 19, 2020 The Israeli Press under Pressure How Israeli reporters are covering a combative administration and an increasingly polarized public February 27, 2017 How Some 370 Journalists in 80 Countries Made the Panama Papers Happen The email that landed in my inbox some 10 months ago didn’t reveal much. “New Project,” the subject simply stated. Knowing the sender, Marina Walker, Deputy Director of the International… April 6, 2016