Author Raquel Rutledge @RaquelRutledge Raquel Rutledge, a 2012 Nieman Fellow, is an investigative reporter at the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel. To Win Back Public Trust, Try Bipartisan Reporting and “Bias Editors” If you think you have nothing to learn from reporters working elsewhere, you’re part of the problem November 11, 2016 Raquel Rutledge, NF ’12, and her colleagues at the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel investigated unfair property tax assessments—and worked to engage readers Coefficients of dispersion. Chasing the sale. Maintenance years.Three things I knew almost nothing about when I got a tip from a software engineer that something was gravely wrong with the… January 12, 2016 Our Communities Crave Watchdog Journalism Photo by Kristyna Wentz-Graff/Milwaukee Journal SentinelEarly one recent morning I fired off an e-mail to my managing editor, enraged that a story on the front page of our paper reported… June 13, 2013 Public Investigator: Transforming Tips Into Stories Two reporters use quick-hit, watchdog journalism to investigate local issues—and blog about what they do. September 15, 2008