
Phillip W.D. Martin


Phillip W.D. Martin, a 1998 Nieman Fellow, is executive producer of Lifted Veils Productions, a nonprofit radio journalism organization dedicated to exploring and investigating issues that divide society.

Monitoring Activities

RELATED ARTICLE“Seeing Stories in What Wasn’t Being Reported”– By Phillip W.D. MartinWhat follows is a list of some of the independent European groups that monitor racist and anti-immigrant groups, parties…

Seeing Stories in What Wasn’t Being Reported

A public radio series explores the growth of the antiracism movement in Europe.

Pioneer in Coverage of Racial Injustice

The Baltimore Afro-American, 1892-1950Howard FarrarGreenwood Publishing Group 220 Pages. $59.95.Relatively little has been written about the struggle and rise to prominence of America’s most prodigious black newspapers. Now, with the…