
Emre Kizilkaya


Emre Kizilkaya, a 2019 Knight Visiting Nieman Fellow, is the editor of and the chair of International Press Institute’s (IPI) National Committee in Turkey.

A “Kiss of Freedom” for Turkey’s Press

A “Kiss of Freedom” for Turkey’s Press

Independent journalists are stubbornly persisting in digital formats from newsletters to videos to podcasts
In Turkey, Erdoğan’s Crackdown on the Free Press Intensifies

In Turkey, Erdoğan’s Crackdown on the Free Press Intensifies

As the country prepares for next year’s elections, the government is making it even harder for independent journalists
As Erdoğan Cracks Down, Turkey's Independent Journalists Need Digital Skills and Business Acumen

As Erdoğan Cracks Down, Turkey’s Independent Journalists Need Digital Skills and Business Acumen

“Turkey’s mainstream media has imploded, and it will not come back even after Erdoğan”