
Ann Marie Lipinski


Ann Marie Lipinski is the curator of the Nieman Foundation and the former editor of the Chicago Tribune.

The Meaning of the Nieman

The Meaning of the Nieman

Lippmann House has opened its doors to the 76th Class of Nieman Fellows, and with them to the future of journalism. To the counterterrorism reporter studying the quantitative social sciences…

Signal vs. Noise in Coverage of the Boston Marathon Bombings

One tweeter boasted of a "game-changing victory" for crowdsourcing in the early hours of the Boston area manhunt. But what began as a low-grade fever on social media spiked with…

Ghosts Speaking Across the Page

They died the same weekend, one 26, a prodigy of the Internet age who took his own life, the other an 89-year-old whose moral battles were waged on newsprint and…

Ghosts Speaking Across the Page

They died the same weekend, one 26, a prodigy of the Internet age who took his own life, the other an 89-year-old whose moral battles were waged on newsprint and…

Rising to the Challenge

Journalism is an escape artist.For the generation raised on Watergate, that lesson landed hard. The most powerful men in the world could not shut a story down. They lied and…

Facts and Friction

Verifying information has always been central to the work of journalists. These days the task has taken on a new level of complexity due to the volume of videos, photos,…

Challenging Ideas

Looking back what would they do differently? Six editors take a hard look at newspapers and what it will take for them to stay alive. More investigative journalism, more training,…

1991: Investigators’ Checklist

Every campaign adds another important item—what will it be this time?