
An Xiao Mina


An Xiao Mina, a 2016 Knight Nieman Visiting Fellow, is director of product at Meedan and cofounder of The Civic Beat. She is the author of “Memes to Movements: How the World’s Most Viral Media is Changing Social Protest and Power (Beacon Press, 2019).

Authenticity and the Journalism of Networks

Authenticity and the Journalism of Networks

Trust in the federal government is at a historic low, while trust in Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders among supporters is near or above 80%. What can journalists learn from…
How Hashtag Culture Influences International Conversations

How Hashtag Culture Influences International Conversations

In her new book "Memes to Movements," An Xiao Mina explores how people from a historically overlooked nation such as Uganda are able to drive the conversation on issues in…