
We Must Collaborate to Restore Accountability in our State Capitals

We Must Collaborate to Restore Accountability in our State Capitals

There’s nothing short of a crisis in our state capitals.Statehouse reporting corps have decreased dramatically in the past decade, and, too often, the journalists who remain must answer the call…
Trudeau’s Blackface: The Chilling Effects of Disinformation on Political Engagement

Trudeau’s Blackface: The Chilling Effects of Disinformation on Political Engagement

During election season, journalists should be ready for even more sophisticated attempts to plant false narratives and to spin disinformation via legitimate news stories
Covering Impeachment Isn’t Only About Politics

Covering Impeachment Isn’t Only About Politics

It’s tempting to fall back on journalistic defaults during confusing times like these, such as making political ramifications the primary focus of the unfolding scandal involving President Donald Trump and…
Yes, We Can Reach Gender Parity in Photojournalism

Yes, We Can Reach Gender Parity in Photojournalism

The New York Times, Bloomberg News, and the San Francisco Chronicle are among the news outlets publishing more photographs by women
Less Local News Means Less Democracy

Less Local News Means Less Democracy

When local journalism declines, so does government transparency and civic engagement
What Happens When Weekly Newspapers Disappear?

What Happens When Weekly Newspapers Disappear?

As editor and publisher of the Todd County Standard, a weekly in Elkton, Kentucky, I once ran a story that asked farmers to attend a very important meeting on agricultural…
Amidst Crackdowns, Kashmiri Journalists Struggle to Report

Amidst Crackdowns, Kashmiri Journalists Struggle to Report

With communication restrictions creating dueling narratives of what's happening, Kashmiri journalists are fighting to keep people informed

Ni melodrama, ni misterio policial: llamando femicidio al femicidio

Read in English. No hay crímenes más violentos en Chile que aquellos contra sus mujeres.En el país con menos homicidios en Latinoamérica, y uno de los más seguros, una mujer es…
How Writing Off the Working Class Has Hurt the Mainstream Media

How Writing Off the Working Class Has Hurt the Mainstream Media

A 1951 Nieman Foundation conference on labor reporting tells us what we are missing in reporting today
Domestic Violence in Kenya: Stop Blaming Women

Domestic Violence in Kenya: Stop Blaming Women

Much reporting tends to blame women for their own deaths while providing sympathetic coverage of alleged perpetrators