
In Brazil, Dismissing Coronavirus Misinformation with In-depth Investigations

In Brazil, Dismissing Coronavirus Misinformation with In-depth Investigations

Just before the coronavirus crisis hit Brazil, our team at Agência Pública, the nation’s first nonprofit investigative journalism center, had been very excited to go back to our office. After…
En México, reportar el coronavirus es enfrentarse a una respuesta oficial conocida: culpar a la prensa

En México, reportar el coronavirus es enfrentarse a una respuesta oficial conocida: culpar a la prensa

Read in English. Más de un periodista en México se quedó perplejo. Después de que autoridades informaron las medidas para evitar contagios del Covid-19, como guardar distancia física con otras personas,…
In Mexico, Coronavirus Coverage Meets a Familiar Government Response: Accuse the Press

In Mexico, Coronavirus Coverage Meets a Familiar Government Response: Accuse the Press

Translated by John Gibler. Leer en español.More than one Mexican journalist found themselves perplexed. After federal authorities laid out the measures to avoid Covid-19 transmissions, such as keeping physical distance between people,…
Pulitzer Prize-Winning Coverage of the Kent State Shootings Through the Eyes of a Young Editor

Pulitzer Prize-Winning Coverage of the Kent State Shootings Through the Eyes of a Young Editor

A new book by Robert Giles, editor at an Ohio paper on May 4, 1970, details how he and his staff sorted fact from fiction
In Spain, Uses Public Service Journalism to Fight the Coronavirus

In Spain, Uses Public Service Journalism to Fight the Coronavirus

I live in Madrid, the center of the coronavirus epidemic in Spain. Since March 10, I have spent most of my day answering readers’ questions and writing a daily newsletter on…
COVID-19, Kentucky Governor Andy Beshear, and the Future of Local News

COVID-19, Kentucky Governor Andy Beshear, and the Future of Local News

These days, if it’s 4:59 in Kentucky, people across the state are racing to tune in.No matter the local news carrier — from Pikeville in the east to Paducah in…
How to Cover Climate Change like We’re Covering the Coronavirus

How to Cover Climate Change like We’re Covering the Coronavirus

Consider this thought experiment:The problem of _____ [insert problem] will cause major upheavals in life as we know it and possibly extensive deaths in _____ [insert amount of time].What is…
Lessons from the Italian Media’s Coverage of the Coronavirus

Lessons from the Italian Media’s Coverage of the Coronavirus

It’s weird how my Twitter feed these days looks exactly like my Twitter feed from 12 days ago. Homeschooling tips. People doing things on balconies. Animals roaming in emptied cities.…
How Journalists Can Address Mistrust in Pandemic Coverage and Help "Flatten the Curve"

How Journalists Can Address Mistrust in Pandemic Coverage and Help “Flatten the Curve”

Among the jarring statistics related to the coronavirus pandemic, with more than 250,000 confirmed cases and more than 10,000 deaths as of Friday, is this: Only 50 percent of Americans…
Rappler's Maria Ressa Recommends How to Tame the Corrosive Effects of Social Media

Rappler’s Maria Ressa Recommends How to Tame the Corrosive Effects of Social Media

Maria Ressa, a Time magazine Person of the Year, on the “atom bomb” that has gone off in our information ecosystem and what is needed to counter it