
Excerpt From Remarks

There has been more than a little talk lately about how well the editorial and business sides of journalism work together. Since I am at least in part the cause…


“The chief business of the American people is business.” So it was back in 1925 when President Calvin Coolidge offered that now famous aphorism about America’s fevered, overreaching economy in…


Once upon a time the editor of a daily newspaper edited.There’s little risk of that happening now. The top newsroom manager probably has a title like vice president and executive…

Excerpt From Letter

… It is my utter conviction that newspapers are a business and, since their production is a team process, no department can be immune from the fact. They are expensive…

Reflections of Balkan Journalists

When the Personal Becomes Part of One’s Profession

Images and Words From the Balkan Conflict

An elderly ethnic Albanian woman from Kosovo comforts a small girl in a school in Bob, a village some 50 kms. south of Pristina, as another weeps, Tuesday, March 2,…

A Ugandan Journalist Is Taken to Court By his Government

Mounting a Defense to a Charge of ‘Publication of False News’

An Albanian Newspaper Is Reborn

Kosovo Refugee Journalists Refuse to Let Their Reporting Be Silenced

Portraying Poverty in the Face of Newsroom Pressures

Demand More Time. Agitate for More Space. And Revisit the Subject Often.

Looking Inside the Business of Journalism

Economic Pressures Create New Challenges for Journalists