Author Navigating Racial Tension in The Newsroom In his new book, Issac J. Bailey examines his efforts as a Black journalist to write forthrightly about race October 6, 2020 Photographic Reflections on Peace Following Conflict In a new book of photographic essays from the VII Foundation, writers and photojournalists examine the complexities of rebuilding in conflict zones October 1, 2020 How Should Journalists Respond to Trump’s Refusal to Commit to a Peaceful Transfer of Power? Make it clear that American voters — not Lindsey Graham, Donald Trump, or the Supreme Court — will decide the outcome of the election September 29, 2020 “Whenever One Journalist is Injured, It’s an Injury to All of Us,” says Hopewell Chin’ono When Zimbabwean journalist and 2010 Nieman Fellow Hopewell Chin’ono started speaking out against corruption in the government, using his Facebook and Twitter accounts as primary channels, he knew the precedent… September 24, 2020 Thought Leaders in Journalism on How to Meet the Challenges of This Moment Journalists from AP, CNN, ESPN, Futuro Media, The New York Times, Press On, and elsewhere offer their prescriptions for what the news industry needs to do September 23, 2020 Providing Better Narratives About Africa For—and by—Africans Hannane Ferdjani, NF ’20, launched her program “Beyond the Noise” to report on the pandemic’s impact on AfricaProviding better narratives about Africa — it’s been my journalism quest since I… September 23, 2020 Photographing Grief during the Covid-19 Pandemic Lisa Krantz, a 2020 Nieman Fellow, on covering the coronavirus pandemic’s impact on her community as a photographer for the San Antonio Express-News:“I met this family at a prayer vigil… September 23, 2020 Journalists Need to Create a Sense of Belonging Progress on racial equity starts with a steadfast commitment to constant newsroom evolution September 22, 2020 Avoiding “Vaccine Nationalism” and Other Perspectives on Covid from Dr. Ashish Jha In January, shortly after the World Health Organization declared a public health emergency of international concern, Dr. Ashish Jha, an expert on pandemic preparedness and response, felt confident the U.S.… September 21, 2020 Newsrooms Need a Plan to Diversify Investigative Teams, Too Having a variety of backgrounds on investigative teams is key to accountability journalism September 21, 2020 Previous 1 … 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 … 428 Next