
1950: Backdoor Editorializing

What are the sound limits of ‘background’ reporting?

1952: Al Capp Views the Networks

[This article originally appeared in the April 1952 issue of Nieman Reports.]The two main ways to communicate ideas in America are by press and radio. I’ve communicated with America both…

The Roots of Our Responsibility

The American press was halfway through the century just ended before journalists began to talk seriously about press responsibility.A letter Henry Luce wrote to Robert Hutchins, President of the University…

1991: The Bill of Rights in Pictures

[This article originally appeared in the Winter 1991 issue of Nieman Reports.]This year the United States has been observing the 200th anniversary of the Bill of Rights. While these rights,…

1990: A Supreme Court Decision Fosters Litigation

A private citizen raises high the standard for justice—but pays a price.

1996: A Grueling Standard to Live By

[This article originally appeared in the Fall 1996 issue of Nieman Reports.]Violent crime rates have been falling, yet sensational crime coverage on television news has been rising. So have the…

1947: A Free and Responsible Press

A Review of Free Press Report

1983: … The Crucial 1940’s

[This article originally appeared in the Spring 1983 issue of Nieman Reports.]Scottsdale, Arizona — Two dozen of those whose reporting from China in the 1940’s helped shape American attitudes and…

Winter 1999 – Spring 2000: Sources Introduction

In the spring of 1999, Nieman Curator Bill Kovach opened the second Watchdog Journalism Conference by voicing concern about the possible consequences of shifting relationships among sources and journalists. He…

1994: A New Agenda for Journalism

A Call for Action to Stake Out the Role of News in the Emerging Technological World