
Summer 2000: Words & Reflections Introduction

If the conscientious practice of journalism is essential to democracy, as the First Amendment attests, then what, if any, contemporary forces are undermining the critical role journalists have historically played?…

Examining the United Nations’ Role in Settling Conflicts

Insider journalism leaves too many questions unasked and unanswered.

Journalism and Citizenship

Should there be connections?

Why Should the Public Trust Journalists?

A long-time journalist looks outside his practice for answers.

‘Things Are Not OK.’

An author argues that journalism’s watchdogs are being silenced by greed.

Can the Press Win Back the Public’s Confidence?

A First Amendment lawyer argues it must.

Winter 1999 – Spring 2000: Objectivity Introduction

Nothing about journalism so engages—and enrages—the public and practitioners as do discussions about whether reporters can be and are objective observers of events they describe. Innumerable studies have set out…

Winter 1999 – Spring 2000: Photography Introduction

A photographers’ poker game at the Halsman Studio, New York, in the early 1950’s. Gjon Mili is sitting in the white chair. Clockwise from him: Dmitri Kessel, Robert Capa, Pepi…

The Bill of Rights

The Bill of Rights, as this parchment copy is now known, is on permanent display in the Rotunda of the National Archives. Courtesy National Archives and Records Administration.

1981: A Conversation With Fred Friendly

“…Murrow had the sense of curiosity that all journalists have to have, a need to understand something before he talked about it, and a marvelous ear for copy.”—Friendly (left), with…