
Beyond Superheroes Vs. Villains

As a kid I loved Superman. The undisputed good guy, he saved the world. Superhero and comic book movies often showcase easy-to-understand stakes, protagonists, and antagonists, making villains and heroes…
Eric Deggans on How to Cover Race Without Perpetuating Prejudice

Eric Deggans on How to Cover Race Without Perpetuating Prejudice

As a media critic, author, and educator, Eric Deggans is one of the nation’s foremost commentators on matters relating to race and the media. NPR’s TV critic — the first…
What Journalists Can — and Can’t — Do about Media Distrust

What Journalists Can — and Can’t — Do about Media Distrust

Acknowledging the limits of journalists’ ability to affect media trust levels can prevent a repeat of the mistakes made covering Trump
A Picture of Hope in a Woman-Led Nation

A Picture of Hope in a Woman-Led Nation

Photojournalist Andrea Bruce, a 2016 Nieman Fellow: “This story for National Geographic magazine was about women gaining political power across the world. Here, in New Zealand, young Maori women stood alongside…
What One Milwaukee Journalist Learned from 18 Months Exploring Democracy

What One Milwaukee Journalist Learned from 18 Months Exploring Democracy

Instead of being objective and neutral, be truthful, fair-minded, transparent, and human
How Journalists Beyond the U.S. Fight Back Against Government Intimidation

How Journalists Beyond the U.S. Fight Back Against Government Intimidation

A look at four countries — Belarus, Jordan, Thailand, and Nicaragua — where the mantle of “fake news” is used to intimidate and threaten, and how journalists are responding
“Change Cannot be Reduced to Storytelling, but Storytelling is Very Often at the Beginning of Change”

“Change Cannot be Reduced to Storytelling, but Storytelling is Very Often at the Beginning of Change”

At Germany’s The New Institute, Georg Diez, NF ‘17, hopes storytelling is the catalyst for societal change.What is the power, urgency, some would say duty of journalism in the face…
Amidst Political Turmoil in Belarus, a Revival of Trust in Independent Journalism

Amidst Political Turmoil in Belarus, a Revival of Trust in Independent Journalism

After a contested election, President Aleksandr Lukashenko cracked down on dissent; professional and citizen journalists responded with innovative coverage
In Zimbabwe, “Freedom of Expression and of the Media Remain Mirages”

In Zimbabwe, “Freedom of Expression and of the Media Remain Mirages”

Beatrice Mtetwa is a prominent human rights lawyer and free press advocate in Zimbabwe who is representing journalist Hopewell Chin’ono. He was granted bail and is expected to be released…
Open Canada Covers Foreign Affairs with a Human Touch

Open Canada Covers Foreign Affairs with a Human Touch

Editor Michael Petrou, NF ’18, invites people whose voices aren’t usually heard in foreign policy publications to tell their storiesCanadians haven’t had to worry too much about the rest of…