
Strong Narrative Writing Features Character

‘Like all the great narrative journalists, [Mark] Bowden must be a relentless asker of questions, a painstaking gatherer of minute detail.’

When Water and Political Power Intersect

A journalist probes the story of water privatization in Jakarta, Indonesia.

A Prayer for Quality Journalism as Public Media Corporations Focus on Margin and Financial Return

In crunching the numbers, an author argues that investment is necessary to secure a future for news—in newspapers or on the Internet.

Spring 2005: Introduction

Water is the essence of life, and its cleanliness, availability, and our use and abuse of it are stories meriting reporters’ and editors’ attention. Yet as Stuart Leavenworth, who covered…

Reversing the Trend Away From Journalism

Journalism will survive. It will appear in the form of Web sites designed for people checking on the news because they are trying to figure out the jokes on Jon…

The Tasks in Creating a New Journalism

Journalism is not going to disappear. As author Michael Schudson observed, if there were not journalists, we’d have to invent them. The real issue is what journalism will look like…

The Messy Transition Ahead

When the dust started settling on the 2004 presidential election, journalists were doing our usual postmortems about our coverage and influence (or lack thereof) on the election. For the first…

Winter 2004: Words & Reflections Introduction

Can journalism survive in this era of punditry and attitude? If so, how?Nieman Reports posed this question about journalism’s future to 15 journalists who work in radio and television, at…

Editorial Page Editors and Cartoonists: A Difficult Alliance

‘A cartoonist’s world is black and white, while an editor’s universe is imbued with shades of gray.’

Martha Stewart or Genocide: The Cartoonists’ Conundrum

The role of humor in editorial cartoons is being debated.