Author How to Read Digital Newsbooks Unlike the Web, Digital Newsbooks are designed to be downloaded and read offline. Here’s what you need to read a Digital Newsbook: A computer with Microsoft Windows 2000 or XP… March 15, 2005 Complexity Makes Ocean Fishing a Tough Story ‘… the more I learned about fishing, the less clarity there seemed.’ March 15, 2005 Connecting Coastal Growth With the Gulf of Mexico’s Decay ‘Not everything is black and white, nor do the words legal and illegal do justice to these issues.’ March 15, 2005 Frank del Olmo’s Words Are a Tribute to His Life While he ‘wrote through Latino eyes, the core themes he explored in his columns—the quest for truth and justice—are universal.’ March 15, 2005 ‘Commentaries on His Times’ Here are some excerpts from columns that appear in the book, “Frank del Olmo: Commentaries on His Times:”“A Dissenting Vote on the Endorsement of Pete Wilson,” October 31, 1994… Unfortunately,… March 15, 2005 Local TV Investigates Who Is Polluting the Water A series of news reports found city agencies ignoring their own regulations and illegally polluting water in Dallas. March 15, 2005 The Owens Lake Project Areas on the lakebed that generate dust must be controlled with one of three approved dust-control measures: flooding with shallow sheets of water, establishing native salt-tolerant vegetation, or covering the… March 15, 2005 When People’s Suffering is Portrayed as Art Sebastião Salgado’s photographs ‘represent everything that is meaningful, controversial and difficult about “concerned photography.”’ March 15, 2005 Iraq War Documentaries Fill a Press Vacuum ‘… filmmakers have become a source of alternative explanations for the war in Iraq and the news coverage of it, as well as critics of the administration’s policies.’ March 15, 2005 Using Narrative to Tell Stories About Water ‘The imperatives of narrative nonfi ction carried me like a current to the book’s last words.’ March 15, 2005 Previous 1 … 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 … 428 Next