
The Working Poor: Is Their Gap With the Middle Class Narrowing?

A reporter looks for ways to merge coverage of the middle class and the poor.

The News Gap With the Poor: Engagement, Then Silence

‘I got the feeling that once welfare had been “reformed,” the news story was simply over.’

Remembering Those Who Are Usually Forgotten

The unfortunate reality is that American journalists do not systematically or analytically cover the plight of the poor, the marginalized, the isolated, or the powerless. When we put together elaborate…

The Connective Threads of the News Media and Government

A journalist sets forth a reform proposal to alter the incentives and break apart the ‘mediaocracy.’

Editor and Reporter: A Writing Journey Together

‘Then Joanna found her vision. It was crisp and clear. She made me see it, too.’

Preserving What It Is Newsrooms Do

A teacher challenges his students ‘to devise a proposal for the protection of newsroom independence and integrity’ in a changing media environment.

Community News Drives a Newspaper’s Vigorous Growth

‘We joke about how almost every day maintenance people seem to be assembling another desk.’

If Newspapers Are to Rise Again

‘Reinvent or die. It’s that simple.’

Exploring Connections and Tensions

The small local newspaper in Greeley, Colorado devoted considerable time and space to examining the gaps emerging in its community.

Reporting on Gaps in a Country Devoted to Harmony

In China, social and economic gaps are acknowledged, but the news media rarely probe their causes or their consequences.