
When Bearing Witness Overrides a Reporter’s Fear

‘… courage is not me, a clunky reporter clutching a notebook and treading on people’s lives, trying to get them to open up their souls.’

Witnessing War to Send Its Images Home

‘What of our colleagues who have trauma engraved on their psyches?’

War Teaches Lessons About Fear and Courage

‘In war zones, I would learn about another feeling, one I have yet to define but seems the opposite of fear ….’

Assessing the Risks Reporters in Iraq Confront

‘I don’t believe in the journalist as a hero.’

Going to Tell What Others Have Forgotten

A war correspondent seeks out people who live in dangerous war zones to tell their stories and finds that ‘by sharing the fear it helps a lot.’

Courage Emerges From the Work Journalists Do

‘… journalists’ courage needs a source, and so far I have recognized three such sources: insanity, lack of any clue, ideals.’

A Difficult Journey From Repression to Democracy

Brave journalists who challenge authoritarian regimes often ‘enter a postauthoritarian era full of compromises and new repressions.’

Truth in the Crossfire

In a brutal attack, ‘my truth … was dealt a mortal wound.’

Wrong Turns Make a Difficult Situation Worse

A journalist lists Top 10 bad decisions editors make when facing cuts in staff.

Spring 2006: Newspapers’ Survival Introduction

"Reinvent or die. It's that simple," is advice offered to newspapers by Tim Porter, an editor and writer with newspapers and now a news media consultant. "And the death will…