Author A Distinction Journalists Like to Ignore ‘Journalists, both then and now, too readily allow fears of a public backlash to inhibit their actions.’ June 15, 2006 Persevering Despite the Dangers El Tiempo’s investigative editor ‘has become accustomed to receiving floral arrangements and notes sent to regret her death, a form of indirect death threats.’ June 15, 2006 Conscience and Integrity in Journalism The Louis M. Lyons Award, given by Nieman classes, recognizes journalists who display these elements of moral courage. June 15, 2006 When Corporate Managers Nudge News Decisions The clash of cultures ‘affects editors’ and reporters’ ability to investigate stories and break new ones.’ June 15, 2006 Covering the Sago Mine Disaster How a game of ‘whisper down the coal mine’ ricocheted around the world. June 15, 2006 International News Safety Institute: International News Safety Institute (INSI) is a nonprofit organization comprised of journalists working on behalf of other journalists. As such, it requires the support of concerned journalists and news organizations… June 15, 2006 The Road Traveled From Journalism to Jail ‘What is absent in journalism is not courage but consciousness and compassion.’ June 15, 2006 Government Clampdowns on Newspapers Send Reporting Online In Belarus, with many people not able to use their computers to read about what is happening, ‘Online is not yet a worthy substitute for newspapers.’ June 15, 2006 Death Threats Are Sent to Try to Stop Reporting ‘If I kept writing, I thought, the threats would eventually stop because they weren't working.’ June 15, 2006 Risking Relationships as a Measure of Courage ‘Questioning the reasons for the war meant not only going against the President's policy but against the beliefs of many people I knew and respected.’ June 15, 2006 Previous 1 … 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 … 428 Next