Author The Consequences of Uninformed Reporting ‘Most Americans think that since Muslims believe that the Qur'an is the literal word of God, they must read the Qur'an literally …’ June 15, 2007 Misperceptions of the ‘War’ in Iraq An NBC News correspondent—with longtime experience in Iraq—describes many other visions of the war now being fought. June 15, 2007 Reporting the Arab and Muslim Worlds It is hard to see ‘ourselves—our actions and their consequences—in the picture.’ June 15, 2007 Islam Today: The Need to Explore Its Complexities A scholar finds in most coverage of Muslims ‘a striking lack of clarity and an atmosphere of incomprehension that can only generate suspicion and fear.’ June 15, 2007 History, Memory and Context ‘… when a major story erupts in Lebanon, Westerners don't already have the dots by which they can make connections.’ June 15, 2007 Fiction Can Be More Real Than Journalism ‘In journalism, the color gray too often comes out a muddy brown.’ June 15, 2007 Finding Ways to Bridge the Abyss of Misunderstanding ‘… to travel in ignorance when insight and understanding are possible is to drive a wedge between Islam and the West.’ June 15, 2007 Glossary Allah: Literally, "The God." Arabic speaking Jews, Christians and Muslims use this term as the proper name for God. Muslims view Allah as the Creator and Sustainer of everything in… June 15, 2007 Exposing Extremism—No Matter Where It Is Found What happens when journalists fail to separate what is evil in people from what is good in those who share their religious tradition? June 15, 2007 Deconstructing ‘the Other’—And Ourselves “… they came to a certain point and the mufti said, ‘Well, now I’m going to pray.’ And he was silent. And the pope clasped his hands sort of at… June 15, 2007 Previous 1 … 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 … 428 Next