
Engaging the Public in Asking Why We Do What

‘No longer do I enter the newsroom believing that readers have tuned us out. Perhaps it is we who have tuned them out by creating too great a distance between…

Digging Into Social Media to Build a Newspaper Audience

‘We weren’t even sure whether a mainstream news site could become part of the cybercommunities that evolve from social media sites.’

Media Re:public: My Year in the Church of the Web

In studying new and old media, the author feels ‘as though I’ve undergone two religious crises; one feels like a loss of faith, the other like a conversion.’

The Wikification of Knowledge

A neuroscientist explores the shared challenges of medicine and journalism when it comes to gathering information and reaching conclusions in the era of social media.

The End of Journalism as Usual

‘To maximize a news organization’s social capital and marketability, its journalism today must be transparent, authentic and collaborative.’

Mapping the Blogosphere: Offering a Guide to Journalism’s Future

‘… what we find is that legacy media holds the center, while online-only media are frayed at the edges.’

Peering Deep Into the Essence of Small-Town Life

A photographer returns to Oxford, Iowa after 20 years to take pictures of its residents again, and his images share space with their words.

A 21st Century Newswire—Curating the Web With Links

News organizations can remain vital daily destinations by supplementing original reporting with links to the best nonlocal content.

Serendipity, Echo Chambers, and the Front Page

As readers on the Web, we may filter out ‘perspectives that might challenge our assumptions and preconceptions about what’s important and newsworthy.’

When Journalists Blog: How It Changes What They Do

‘I was surprised at just how much these journalists felt their work had been changed by the simple act of blogging.’