Author What Is Journalism’s Place in Social Media? ‘Bringing our journalistic values to these environments that have captured the imagination of millions is one of the most promising ways we have of serving that interest.’ September 16, 2009 An Argument Why Journalists Should Not Abandon Objectivity ‘… objectivity does not require that journalists be blank slates free of bias. In fact, objectivity is necessary precisely because they are biased.’ September 15, 2009 Social Media: The Ground Shifts Social networks serving as Web services, not sites, ‘create new challenges for journalists, news organizations, and media companies that are only now starting to embrace social media.’ September 15, 2009 A Photographer’s Journey: From Newspapers to Social Media An Essay in Words and Photographs September 15, 2009 George Weller Reported on World War II From Five Continents George Weller was a highly praised novelist who was fluent in a number of languages when the Chicago Daily News sent him overseas in 1940 at age 33 to cover… September 14, 2009 Foreign News Reporting: Its Past Can Guide Its Future America’s tradition of foreign affairs reporting is on full display in John Maxwell Hamilton’s “Journalism’s Roving Eye: A History of American Foreign Reporting,” published by Louisiana State University Press.“Since the… September 14, 2009 Digital Media’s Key to Success: Must-Read Content In observing what enables some content creators to draw steady and good-sized audiences, lessons emerge about the common factors that make this happen. September 14, 2009 Learning About China’s Changes While Teaching Journalism A U.S. journalism professor returns to China—after two decades—and discovers from his students all that has changed and what remains the same. September 11, 2009 The Netroots: Bloggers and the 2008 Presidential Campaign From their position in the ‘outermost reaches of the campaigns and the daily news cycle, [bloggers] managed to break into that once-impenetrable world.’ What difference did they make? September 11, 2009 Spies and Journalists: Taking a Look at Their Intersections Moscow recruited journalists for their access, insights and confidential information. September 11, 2009 Previous 1 … 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 … 428 Next