Author A Literary Exploration of How Power Corrupts This story is ‘about how the worlds of journalism and fiction writing are not as unimaginably different as one might think.’ December 8, 2011 Narrative Writing: Craft to Ethics, Theme to Characters In ‘Storycraft’ Jack Hart ‘reveals the story behind the stories.’ December 8, 2011 Tips for Journalists Writing Memoirs Several journalists have participated in Michele Weldon’s Writing to Save Your Life memoir writing workshops during the past decade. While she finds that journalists are at an advantage because of… December 8, 2011 Brief Story, Book Proposal, a Longer Feature, Then a Book ‘… it would be a while before people would say, “Hey, this is a book.” ’ December 8, 2011 Starting as a Journalist, Ending as a Memoirist ‘I have come to realize that my obsessive precision—a great virtue in a reporter—wasn’t necessarily the greatest quality in a would-be memoirist.’ December 7, 2011 Books Take Over Where Daily Journalism Can’t Go ‘It is difficult to do justice to the complexities of Zimbabwe’s story while still grabbing and sustaining readers’ interest when so much of what reporters hear is depressing.’ December 7, 2011 Powerful People and a Book They Almost Stopped When a Philippine investigative journalist revealed the inner workings of her nation’s Supreme Court, the country’s largest book publisher and leading distributor walked away. December 7, 2011 Visual Intensity of Words ‘Does the Kindle allow the visual even more dominance over the other senses in the act of reading?’ December 7, 2011 Sooner Sounds Better Recently I wrote a memoir with the working title "Paper Route: Finding My Way to Precision Journalism" and then I started looking for a publisher. One of my first stops… December 7, 2011 Telling Political Stories in Closer to Real-Time Books ‘The digital book project is a way of ensuring that these tips and anecdotes and character insights don’t get pushed aside, and instead are developed and given to readers in… December 7, 2011 Previous 1 … 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 … 428 Next