
Seeking the Ultimate Complement

While Schibsted has capitalized on the power of “user connections”—fostering the development of networks that connect users—Anand’s research also underscored the importance of “product connections.” One example is the case…
Why Cannabis Coverage Needs to be a Serious Beat

Why Cannabis Coverage Needs to be a Serious Beat

In early 2014, John Ingold, a longtime reporter for The Denver Post, noticed that the number of parents of young patients registered with the state to gain access to medical…
Tech Criticism and Its Discontents

Tech Criticism and Its Discontents

As technology assumes an ever-increasing presence in our lives, deep reporting on technology and nuanced critiques of technology become more important, too. This excerpt from “Toward a Constructive Technology Criticism”…
Crowdfunding the News

Crowdfunding the News

On June 25, 2013, Texas state Senator Wendy Davis spent nearly 11 hours on the chamber floor filibustering a bill that would have restricted access to abortion in her state.…
Access, Accountability Reporting and Silicon Valley

Access, Accountability Reporting and Silicon Valley

The first time I visited Facebook’s office in Washington, D.C., I was asked to sign a nondisclosure agreement. I didn’t. Then there was the time I got through an entire…
J.R. Moehringer, NF ’01

J.R. Moehringer, NF ’01

Moehringer’s “Crossing Over” is a portrait of Gee’s Bend, Alabama, an isolated river hamlet that is home to many descendants of slaves. A proposal to bring back ferry service to the mainland prompted…
Gilbert M. Gaul, NF ’83

Gilbert M. Gaul, NF ’83

Gaul’s five-part investigative series “The Blood Brokers” exposed safety issues and lax federal regulation of the blood industry.Last December, the Community Blood Center in Appleton, Wis., made a public appeal…
Mary Jordan, NF ’90

Mary Jordan, NF ’90

Jordan and her husband Kevin Sullivan, co-bureau chiefs of the Post’s Mexico City bureau, were recognized for their exposure of the treacherous and unjust conditions in the Mexico criminal justice…
Heidi Evans, NF ’93

Heidi Evans, NF ’93

Evans and her fellow editorial board members Arthur Browne and Beverly Weintraub won a Pulitzer for their editorial series “9/11: The Forgotten Victims,” which documented how the government failed to…
Pulitzer’s Forgotten Classics

Pulitzer’s Forgotten Classics

From the start, the Pulitzer Prizes have sought to recognize journalists for investigating how power works, for holding the powerful to account, and for exposing abuses of power. Yet power…