Articles Claudia Méndez Arriaza, NF ’12 When I read “Murder Comes for the Bishop” by Francisco Goldman, I was 22 and in my first year as a journalist. The criminal investigation and the trial following the… September 20, 2018 Edward Wong, NF ’18 and Jo Thomas, NF ’71 Edward Wong, NF ’18 Sometime in my 20s, when I was starting out as a reporter, I read two collections of Joan Didion’s early articles and essays. They changed the way… September 20, 2018 Alex S. Jones, NF ’82 It was the mid-’60s and I was in college and a guy I had never heard of—an alumnus of my college [Washington and Lee University] as it happened—was coming to… September 20, 2018 Jerrold Schecter, NF ’64 When “Khrushchev Remembers” first appeared in Life magazine and as a Little, Brown book, in 1970, about five years after he was ousted from power and forced to live 20… September 20, 2018 Anita Harris, NF ’82 A newly minted college grad, in 1970, I happened to catch a rerun of “Harvest of Shame” on TV while I was working on a study of hospital decision-making in… September 20, 2018 Mary Jordan, NF ’90 “Mrs. Kelly’s Monster” has never left me. “The heartbeat goes pop, pop, pop, 70 beats a minute.” In his December 12, 1978 article in The Baltimore Evening Sun, Jon Franklin… September 20, 2018 Mary Meehan, NF ’16 At the Kentucky Derby women wear ridiculously elaborate hats and heels they regret within the hour. The horses are sleek and strong and beautiful. And, bonus, there’s always bourbon. When Seattle… September 20, 2018 Chong-ae Lee, NF ’13 In 2001 I covered a story about an 8-year-old girl who had been raped by older boys in her neighborhood. It was then that I became aware how little I… September 20, 2018 Chong-ae Lee Bill Kovach, NF ’89 Izzy Stone taught a generation of reporters the bedrock principle that a reporter should never start with the presumption that people in powerful positions tell the truth. Digging deeper and… September 20, 2018 Victor McElheny, NF ’63 A reporter’s fateful question on March 31, 1954 led to the story that had more influence on my lifetime of science reporting than any other. The answer, symbolizing an age… September 20, 2018 Previous 1 … 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 … 433 Next