
Get the Picture

A Personal History of Photojournalism

Tobacco and the American Civil Liberties Union

ACLU’s Charges New York To the Editor: Morton Mintz’s latest diatribe against the ACLU only serves to degrade and debase the standards of your magazine, whose stated purpose is “to…

Indians Left Out

Rapid City, South DakotaTo the Editor:I read with interest your “Watchdog” articles in Nieman Reports. I was a little disappointed Indians were excluded. Dealing day in and day out with…

The Daily Work of the Media

After listening to a day and a half of debate and discussion about the role of watchdog journalism, I am more convinced than ever that this genre of aggressive reporting…

Progress by Washington Post Copyeditors: 1997

Readers are not sleeping through August, but they sometimes ask if copy editors are:“I want to register dismay about the errors in the July 30 lead story [on the budget…

How to Keep the Watchdogs Watching

First Nieman Conference on Aggressive Reporting Produces Scores of Ideas, Some Conflicting

Progress by Washington Post Copyeditors: 1966

CONFIDENTIALMarch 11, 1966Memo To: Ben BradleeBen GilbertFrom: Phil FoisieRe: Copyreading1. I define copyreading as the fastidious and methodical word-by-word check of copy for spelling, grammar, syntax, conformity of style, ascertainable…

Dramatizing a Story Through ‘High Density’

At a February 20, 1998, seminar with Nieman Fellows, David Halberstam was asked how he combined research with interviews and how he avoided becoming overwhelmed by the record in writing…

How VOA Reported Sex Charges

The Voice of America newsroom in Washington.RELATED ARTICLE“CNN’s Tightened Check On News Breaks”– Eason JordanWhat have listeners abroad been hearing from the Voice of America about the sexual charges against…

Legacy of Diana and the British Press

In July 1991, the editor of The Daily Telegraph hauled me into his office for a severe dressing down. My offense? I had written to an aide of the Duchess…