
Forgotten Stories About Forgotten People

‘Journalists could do a much better job reminding us of who we are supposed to be.’

Finding a Path to Cross a Racial Divide

Reporters began to listen rather than assume they knew what the story was.

Can What Ails Colombia Be Fixed?

As the war intensifies and U.S. money is sent, the story hits Page One.

Spring 2001: Political Journalism Introduction

Steve Nordlinger, a former reporter and editor at The (Baltimore) Sun, uses a Maryland example to illustrate how the media all but ignore coverage of Congressional races when incumbents run.

Spring 2001: Youth Journalism Introduction

Mark Goodman, director of the Student Press Law Center, laments the lessons about journalism and the First Amendment that young people are learning as adults censor what they write. “Professionals…

Universities Teach Journalists Valuable Lessons

Specialized knowledge is gained, and questions beget more questions.

Looking for Stories in All the ‘Third Places’

In Detroit, reporters use civic mapping to find new stories and sources.

Civic Mapping Can Ignite a Reporter’s Curiosity

At The San Diego Union-Tribune, community experiences become stories.

Understanding the Community’s Civic Life

Journalists’ tools include new questions and different sources.

These Pictures Are Not About the Photographer

The camera documents humanity behind forgotten façades.