
Journalism’s Road to Becoming a Profession

There are key roles for educators to play in this transformation.

The Bridge Between the Classroom and Journalism

The purpose of journalism education can’t be addressed without determining why journalists do what they do.

Melding the Competing Demands of Basic Skills and Emerging Issues in Journalism

At Berkeley, a professor is using Weblogs as a new approach to teaching both.

What Should Be Taught in Journalism Schools?

An aspiring reporter ‘doesn’t need to learn how—he needs to learn what.’

The Worthiness of Bollinger’s Challenge

‘For craft training to be accorded due respect does not mean all else must be shunned.’

Breaking News or Broken News

A brief history of the ‘first cloned human embryo’ story.

What Every Journalist Should Know About Science and Science Journalism

Science demands evidence, and some forms of evidence are worth more than others are. A scientist’s authority should command attention but, in the absence of evidence, not belief. There is…

Reporting on Science in South America

International coverage is good, while local research often isn’t well covered.

The Difficulty of Finding Impartial Sources in Science

Reporters are better prepared, the public is eager for news, yet the science beat is getting tougher to do.

The Extraordinary Adventure That Is Science Writing

‘Once you’ve done it you can’t imagine doing anything else.’