
Embedding Reporters on the Frontline

With regained public trust, watchdog reporting might be more welcomed for its role in protecting democracy.

Embedded Reporting

Is objectivity an acceptable casualty of this kind of reporting?

The Safety of Journalists Who Cover Wars

‘Communications have changed everything—on the battlefield and at home.’

In War, Journalists Become Part of the Problem

‘It was horrifying, confusing, numbing and nothing like the myth I had been peddled.’

Presidential Secrecy and Reporters’ Efforts to Breach It

A former White House correspondent suggests ways to ask more probing questions.

The Press and Freedom

A radio journalist spots disturbing trends in how the White House press corps reports on the Bush administration.

Examining Press Coverage of the War

‘What is lacking in so much of the instantaneous coverage is verification and historical context, the things that turn coverage into reporting.’

Covering the War Before It Started

While Iraq war coverage worked well, did journalists probe enough about policies and evidence that led to this war being waged?

Are Journalists Asking the Right Questions?

‘Too many of my sources of information have let me down.’

What Should News Organizations Do for Access?

Revelations by CNN’s Eason Jordan spark a debate among journalists.