
Mental Illness: Reporting on Maine’s Most Vulnerable Children

Doctors and social workers said she’d ‘never be able to tell the story.’ She did.

Investigating What Goes Wrong in Medicine

After 30 years of doing this, a reporter passes along lessons—some serious, some not so serious.

Acting as Watchdog on Cancer Research

A small newsletter can create big waves with its long and complicated stories.

A Lengthy Legal Battle to Gain Access to Public Documents

A Delaware newspaper tries to obtain data about the state’s criminal justice system.

Breaking the Medical Malpractice Code of Secrecy

At The Burlington Free Press, a reporter persists in unearthing stories that doctors don’t want told.

Keeping an Eye on Thailand’s Press

A media column tracks coverage and commentary about the war in Iraq.

Photographer Gordon Parks Turns 90

‘Gordon is our lamplighter, and I love him for that.’

Learning To Be a Medical Journalist

‘If you already are a skilled reporter and writer, the transition to medical journalism should be relatively easy.’

Televised War Coverage in Namibia

‘It is evident that objective journalism has been lost in the “us” and “them” scenario ….’

Documenting Native Approaches to Wellness

With images and words, a journalist tells the story of a tribe’s effort to prevent and control Type II diabetes.